Want to be a TV/Film actor but don't know where to start?
Is booking acting work taking too long?
Are you a theater actor that wants to break into TV and Film?
Not sure what the TV/Film industry looks like after taking a long break from acting?
Jessica Ruth Bell's Getting Into Acting First Steps Course Sales Page

Meet your teacher:

Jessica Ruth Bell

Hey there! I'm Jessica Ruth Bell, but you can call me Jess.

I'm a professional, working actress in Los Angeles and I'm proud to say that in 2022 I filmed 5 feature films, more than a few hit web series, and countless online ads. People recognize me on the street, casting directors continue to call me in for selftape after selftape, and directors fight to rehire me on ongoing shows and future movies. I don't have any other job - this is what I do to pay my bills.

But it wasn't always like this. Before I knew what I know now, I was miserable at my inflexible restaurant job, wondering why I wasn't booking acting work, confused by all the different casting websites, and felt utterly powerless.

It took me years and years of my time to figure out what the industry was looking for and expecting. Once I put all the puzzle pieces together, I skyrocketed into success, booking more than I ever had. But you don't have to spend years - you can learn how to book TV/Film work in the time it takes you go to the theater to watch your favorite movie.


  • Booking acting work consistently and being rehired time and time again by professionals who love working with you.
  • Having clarity about what being an actor really is and knowing how to do your job with ease.
  • Being respected by casting directors as a professional actor who knows what they're doing.
  • Feeling like you're the one in charge of your career. (instead of an agent or manager)
  • Being excited for your next project instead of worried about where it'll come from.
  • Recognizing your own growth and seeing the projects you book grow proportionately with you.

The Getting Into TV/Film Acting: First Steps Course will give you all of that, and more.

Online and self-paced, I'll walk you through clear action steps that are easy to complete - and this course will never expire. Take as long as you need to finish it.

But I have to warn you - upon completion, you will get busy.

After taking this course and applying what you learn here, casting directors will see your compelling submissions and watch your pro-level selftapes and wonder where you've been hiding all these years. (An actual comment I got from a casting director right before they cast me in a feature film!)

Directors, producers, and crew members will fight for you to be rehired again and again because of how prepared, professional, and fun you are on set.

The reason I know that you can do this is because I used every tip and trick I include in this course to achieve exactly what I'm promising you.

I was meticulous about making this course easy for you to finish so you could start seeing results right away - the course itself is about as long as it would take for you to go to the movies, watch a feature, and come home. About 3 hours. If you're diligent about completing the action steps, I believe you can finish them in under 2 weeks.

And what's even better - this course costs less than what I was paid on my very first paying acting gig.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Once you have this knowledge and apply it, you'll use it for the rest of your career and it will never stop paying itself back.

The reason this course is priced so affordably is because acting has a lot of moving parts, and a lot of those parts cost money. Actors use casting websites, get headshots taken, and sign up for acting classes. All of those things, while available to every budget, cost money.

The amount of years, courses, classes, and real-life experiences that I went through to create this easy-to-follow, efficient online course that actually works would value it at thousands - if not tens of thousands - of dollars.

And for the first time ever, you're getting it for only $14.99.

Check out the curriculum:

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 1: Before You Do Anything Else...
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2: Materials, Materials, Materials
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 3: Finding Work
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4: Doing the Work to Get You Work
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 5: Working on Set
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 6: Upgrading Your Career
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 7: Now You're Working!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Here's what people are saying:

"I had a great time learning about myself through this program. [She] taught me so much and answered every question with helpful advice. Set me right up for success. I really enjoyed the process and it made me excited to jump into this wide variety of what the acting community is."


What I need from you for this to work:

I need you to believe in yourself, first and foremost. Like anything, if you don't believe you can do it, you can't. But if you believe with your entire being, you have more power than thousands.

When you dive into this course, really listen, learn, and apply. This course is only 3 hours long - you can do more than I ask, but please don't do less. Each step in this course is imperative for you to succeed.

So what are you waiting for? Do you want to be an actor?

Choose a Pricing Option

*A full refund will be issued only if, from the time you've completed the entire course PLUS all of the action steps, a month has gone by and you haven't booked a project. If you book an unpaid project, that is still considered a project and you will not be refunded. Proof of purchase and completion necessary.